Gratefully having enough…

As Henry James noted, “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”  Such was the afternoon tea my youngest daughter provided for us in the midst of our travels this week.  We enJOYed a scrumptious menu, conversation, laughter, stories, and respite from the hustle-and-bustle surrounding us in the big city.  These precious moments humbly reminded me how purposefully living in a mindset of gratefulness allows us to see we have enough…

  • happiness to keep us sweet,
  • trials to keep us strong,
  • sorrows to keep us human,
  • hope to keep us JOYful,
  • failure to keep us humble,
  • success to make us eager,
  • family/friends to give us comfort,
  • wealth to meet our needs,
  • enthusiasm to look for tomorrow,
  • faith to banish worry, and
  • determination to make each day better than before! 

(I found these specific words written in my Granny B’s penmanship on the back of a Thanksgiving card from 1939; no indication if she wrote them or someone else should have this credit.)

So on Day #39 of our journey:  If you created your own “have enough” list to share with those gathered around the table tomorrow, what would you gratefully include on it?

Yes, it’s a struggle some days to feel we have enough; we are human.  Living in gratefulness and gratitude challenges us to ponder the fact we really do have enough.  Again I say, gratefulness is a mindful place–perhaps THE place–we find our truest and best selves.  As we prepare our feasts and gather together at the table of thankfulness, may we all celebrate the gifts we pass and receive to and from one another with profound gratefulness.