Doy Gracias Cada Dia!

It’s true; I’m thankful each day!  I’m also honored to share this with our learners each morning during our morning message.

Today I had the brief honor of sharing a special moment with a young learner who brought this beautiful story from home.  While the text was all Spanish (I read Spanish fine; my translation is not so good!), this little friend shared her interpretation of the text.  With colorful illustrations and a simple yet poignant text, the story unfolds with the powerful message of being thankful for each and every day we are given–choosing an attitude of gratitude.  The many facets of our world provide a reason for each of us to stop and be thankful each day.  Think about a sunrise, a sunset, flowers, floating clouds, or birds singing…all these natural events encompass our daily lives and are present to remind us of the many blessings we are given to treasure.

Our KC (Kindness and Compassion) Club members are challenging us each morning to focus on our blessings by sharing their personal thoughts as a start to our day during morning message from now until we break for Thanksgiving.  Here’s hoping you will challenge those you hold dear to focus on daily blessings and thankful attitudes of gratitude not just now, but each and every day…after all, “today is a gift; that’s why it’s called the present!”  Doy gracias cada dia!