GRINCHy ways!

KGrinch2He’s a mean one, that Mr. Grinch!  Our Kinder and first grade teams studied the clever writings of Dr. Suess by celebrating GRINCH 1stGrinch3Day in their classrooms.  From Cindy-Lou-Who to Mr. Grinch himself, learners and classroom leaders read, wrote, computed, and explored the imaginary world of the extraordinary Dr. Suess and his The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  What a fun, clever way to celebrate story-telling, silly rhymes, and the spirit of the holiday season!  So here’s your question today:  What’s your favorite holiday story and why is it important to you?

Ollie3In other news, Ollie the Jolly OWL continues to fly about sharing wit and wisdom along the way.  She appeared in the Kinder hall where they were measuring Ollie7objects with creative units; she became one of the special objects to measure width and length during the lesson.  Later, Ollie was found by a student under the bench in the clinic, reading up on how to keep herself healthy for the holidays.  She especially loved the Wellness song this week and wanted to get more ollienurseinformation on how to prevent the flu, so she asked to point out the important steps to follow during this busy season.  Thanks, Ollie; here’s to keeping us all well, healthy, and wise!  Where do you think she’ll turn up next?

May you have a wonderful weekend of holiday fun!

Note:  Our Penguin Patch Holiday Shop, sponsored by the PTO, opens on Monday morning! 

Grinchy ways…

Grinch DayHe’s a mean one, that Mr. Grinch!  Our first grade team studied the clever writings of Dr. Suess by celebrating GRINCH Day in their classrooms.  From Cindy-Lou-Who to Mr. Grinch himself, students and staff read, wrote, computed, and 1st grade Grinchesdiscovered the imaginary world of the extraordinary Dr. Suess and his The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

In the meantime, our Monty Moose was busy in the library media center redecorating and reading his favorite Moose literature IMG_0191including the book MOOSETACHE by Margie Palatini.  He shared his other favorite books and some cute moosetaches with some fun library patrons for a great day of reading fun and Christmas learning.

We also enJOYed the creative decorations of several busof our MISD “big yellows.”  You won’t find Grinches on these buses!  It’s great to have the BEST drivers in the state right here in MISD and at LME!  Thanks to each dedicated driver for sharing the JOY of the holiday season safely on the roads with our learners.

If you’re feeling grinchy, then it’s time for you to find some holiday JOY through the eyes of child today!  🙂